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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2020

RegEx Files and Directories Exclusion

  RegEx Files and Directories Exclusion Sometimes you know that you have to exclude files or directories following a specific naming pattern, but there are so many that it's completely impractical going to the normal exclusion filters page and click them one by one. Or they are scattered around the file system tree, making it extremely complex to track them down and exclude them. Wouldn't it be nice to have an automated way to say, for example, "exclude all SVN directories from the backup"? Enter regular expressions. What are those regular expressions? Let's see what Wikipedia has to say on the subject:   In computing, regular expressions, also referred to as regex or regexp, provide a concise and flexible means for matching strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. A regular expression is written in a formal language that can be interpre...

How do I clear my Java cache on Windows System

  To  clear  your  Java cache  in  Windows : Click Start > Control Panel. Locate and double click the  Java  icon in the Control Panel. Click Settings under Temporary Internet Files. Click  Delete  Files. Select all boxes and click OK on  Delete  Temporary Files  window . Click OK on Temporary Files Settings  window . Item lainnya... • 6 Mar 2011  › plugins › servlet How do I clear my Java cache?

Pentaho Excel file creation with file name from field or other variable Not knowing what your existing solution does, or why, this is the best way I can think of solving your problem, given you want exactly the same data in a different file format: Create a new job. In that job start a new transformation called 'get locations'  In this 'get locations' transformation as below, have two steps a) Table input, with a query like 'select distinct locations from data' and b) copy rows to result. This should give you a list of your unique locations Create another new job called 'set variable and make excel'. This job will be run after your 'get locations' transformation, tick the 'execute once for every row' checkbox In the new job, you'll have two transformations. set variable, and make excel.  The set variable transformation has two steps, first 'gets rows from results' then 'set vari...