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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2021

Create MySQL Users Accounts and Grant Privileges Before you Begin We are assuming that you already have MySQL or MariaDB server installed on your system. All commands are executed inside the MySQL shell as root or administrative user. The minimum  privileges  required to create user accounts and define their privileges is  CREATE USER  and  GRANT . To access the MySQL shell type the following command and enter your MySQL root user password when prompted: mysql -u root -p If you have MySQL version 5.7 or later that uses the  auth_socket  plugin login as root by typing: sudo mysql Create a new MySQL User Account A user account in MySQL consists of two parts: user name and host name. To create a new MySQL user account, run the following command: CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'user_password';   Replace  newuser  with the new user name, and  user_password  with the user password. In...

REGEX: Regular Expressions

  Standards [ edit ] The  IEEE   POSIX  standard has three sets of compliance:  BRE  (Basic Regular Expressions), [29]   ERE  (Extended Regular Expressions), and  SRE  (Simple Regular Expressions). SRE is  deprecated , [30]  in favor of BRE, as both provide  backward compatibility . The subsection below covering the  character classes  applies to both BRE and ERE. BRE and ERE work together. ERE adds  ? ,  + , and  | , and it removes the need to escape the metacharacters  ( )  and  { } , which are  required  in BRE. Furthermore, as long as the POSIX standard syntax for regexes is adhered to, there can be, and often is, additional syntax to serve specific (yet POSIX compliant) applications. Although POSIX.2 leaves some implementation specifics undefined, BRE and ERE provide a "standard" which has since been adopted as the default syntax of many tools, where the choi...

MySQL: SUBSTRING_INDEX Function MySQL:  SUBSTRING_INDEX Function This MySQL tutorial explains how to use the MySQL  SUBSTRING_INDEX function  with syntax and examples. Description The MySQL SUBSTRING_INDEX function returns the substring of  string  before  number  of occurrences of  delimiter . Syntax The syntax for the SUBSTRING_INDEX function in MySQL is: SUBSTRING_INDEX( string, delimiter, number ) Parameters or Arguments string The source string. delimiter The delimiter to search for in  string . number The number of times to search for  delimiter . Note If  number  is a positive value, everything from the left of the targeted  delimiter  is returned by the SUBSTRING_INDEX function. If  number  is a negative value, everything from the right of the targeted  delimiter  is returned by the SUBSTRING_INDEX function. See also  SUBSTRING function . Applies ...

Membandingkan Framework Manager vs Data Modules

  Framework Manager vs Data Modules NOVEMBER 20, 2019  by  RYAN DOLLEY   19 COMMENTS I have spent  a lot  of time showcasing data modules to audiences across the world in-person and in  livestreams , helping people understand how and why to use them as part of Cognos Analytics. The most consistent question I receive – by far – is about understanding framework manager vs data modules. There are a lot of outdated opinions and outright misconceptions floating around so let me outline the exact feature differences between framework manager and  data modules  as of Cognos 11.1.4. What do data modules and framework manager have in common? The answer is ‘a lot’ but this wasn’t always the case. In the 11.0 releases data modules were missing many essential framework manager features and didn’t offer compelling reasons to switch. Of course that has changed. As of  11.1.4  framework manager and data modules both: Produce data models that can b...

Mengubah dan reset password server mysql (How to set change and recover a mysql root password)

Chances are, you have MySQL running somewhere in your data center. If that's the case, there might be a time when you need to set or change the root user password. This can happen when you've forgotten the password or when you're looking to up your security game (remembering you set the original MySQL password to something far too simple). As you might expect, the process is handled entirely through the command line and works with with either MySQL or MariaDB installations. The Linux distribution being used doesn't matter (as long as you have admin access, either by way of su or sudo). A word of warning:  Given the current state of attacks, across the landscape of IT, I highly recommend you using seriously  strong passwords  for your databases. Use a random password generator and then store that in a  password manager  (instead of using an easily memorized password). Be safer than safe. With that said, let's get to work. Setting the password for the first time D...

Mengatasi "This app can’t run on your PC Windows 10"

  Salah satu pesan error yang sering muncul saat aplikasi tidak bisa dibuka di Windows 10 adalah “ This app can’t run on your PC ,   to find a version for your PC check with the software publisher “. Masalah seperti ini cukup umum dan dialami banyak orang, terutama saat menjalankan aplikasi yang bukan dari Microsoft. Penyebab utama terjadinya masalah ini adalah karena masalah kompatibilitas antara aplikasi dengan versi Windows yang dianggap tidak sesuai oleh sistem. Bisa juga karena aplikasi atau game yang akan jalankan tersebut terkena filter oleh Windows sehingga prosesnya diblokir. Windows 10 memiliki fitur untuk memblokir aplikasi tidak dikenal yang berasal dari  unverified developers , fitur ini secara default akan aktif dengan tujuan untuk mencegah masuknya aplikasi yang mengandung malware dan virus. Penyebab lainnya bisa juga karena file aplikasi yang rusak, file sistem yang korup, atau masalah yang disebabkan oleh malware dan virus. Pada kesempatan kali ini  ...