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Create logging for each Transformation/Jobs into ETL PDI and setup Email notification failure on each component level.

Most of real time production level Pentaho ETL job are of complex design which will result into run time failures. As if job is scheduled to run at predefined time slot it may gets failed due to Data, Network or Database related issues.

So while monitoring job execution manually we need to keep close look at the log file, Which is tedious task. While monitoring these complex jobs it may gets error prone.

Solution to this problem is by sending an email notification which will provide information related to running status of a job and send email in case of failure occurs. Resulting into lesser response time and making job running again from failure point in short duration of time with greater accuracy.

Also,The convenient way to share reports is to set up an email server that can send reports to recipients. This feature works with the report scheduling feature to automate the process of emailing reports to your user community. Setting up an email server is not required. If you want to get started quickly or do not have information about your email server, skip this for now. You can always come back to it later.


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