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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2022

Upgrade to MariaDB Community Server 10.5 on CentOS 7 Upgrade to MariaDB Community Server 10.5 on CentOS 7 Topics on this page: Overview Data Backup Uninstall the Old Version Stop the MariaDB Server Process Uninstall via YUM (RHEL/CentOS) Install the New Version Install via YUM (RHEL/CentOS) Configuration Starting the Server Upgrading the Data Directory Testing Overview These instructions detail the upgrade from a previous version of MariaDB Community Server to MariaDB Community Server 10.5 on CentOS Linux 7 . When MariaDB Community Server is upgraded, the old version needs to be uninstalled, and the new version needs to be installed. Data Backup Occasionally, issues can be encountered during upgrades. These issues can even potentially corrupt the database's data files, preventing you from easily reverting to the old installation. Therefore, it is generally best to perform a backup prior to upgrading. If an issue is encountered dur...

MYSQL SET PREVILEDGES SHOW GRANTS Statement SHOW GRANTS [ FOR user_or_role [ USING role [ , role ] . . . ] ] user_or_role : { user ( see Section 6.2 . 4 , “Specifying Account Names ” ) | role ( see Section 6.2 . 5 , “Specifying Role Names ” . } This statement displays the privileges and roles that are assigned to a MySQL user account or role, in the form of  GRANT  statements that must be executed to duplicate the privilege and role assignments. Note To display nonprivilege information for MySQL accounts, use the  SHOW CREATE USER  statement. See  Section, “SHOW CREATE USER Statement” . SHOW GRANTS  requires the  SELECT  privilege for the  mysql  system schema, except to display privileges and roles for the current user. To name the account or role for  SHOW GRANTS , use the same format as for the  GRANT  statement (for example,...